Campus Info/Safety » Campus Info » Attendance


Attendance Office Hours: 
During the regular school year:  Monday - Friday, 8:15 AM - 4:15 PM
24-Hour Hotline: 858-676-6311


Please see below for tardy to class or period truancies consequences and our 5 tips to arrive to class on time and every day!


Off-Campus Passes/Early release

If a Student needs an early release pass for any reason, a Parent/legal guardian needs to call the Attendance hotline the night before or by 7:30 am the morning of the early release, to have the pass ready in time. Calls for early release passes received after 7:30 am will be delayed.

It is the Student’s responsibility to pick up their pass at the Attendance Office before school, during passing period, at break or lunch. Passes will not be delivered to Students. Students may not leave class to pick up their pass. Students that have picked up their pass are expected to exit school at their assigned time to leave. 


Reporting all day absences

To report an absence, please call the hotline at (858) 676-6311 each day the student is absent.

All absences must be cleared within 48 hours or they will be coded as truant.


Arriving to school late

Students arriving less than 15 minutes late to school must go straight to class even if a parent has

called to excuse the tardy. Students arriving later than15 minutes must stop at the Attendance Office

prior to class whether a parent has excused the tardy or not.


Illness during school

Students who become sick after arriving on campus must report to the Health Office.

If the student is in class, they must obtain a pass from their teacher to go to the Health Office.

The Health Technician will assist the student and contact the parent. Students who leave through the Health Office will obtain their off campus pass there, not the Attendance Office.

Sick students are not checked out through the Attendance Office.


Medical excuses

To medically excuse a student’s tardy or absence, the State of California requires verification from a health care provider. Please ask for a medical note from your health care provider if your student has missed school for a medical appointment. Students may drop their medical notes off at the Attendance office window or parents can email the notes to [email protected]


Excessive tardies

Students are expected to arrive to class on time.  Students with excessive, tardies of six (6) or more, may be scheduled for school consequences. 


Excessive absences

Students having twelve (12) excused days of absences without medical documentation is

considered excessively absent. This includes unexcused tardies of 30 minutes or more


Off Campus Independent Study (OCIS)

Extended Absences: Parent/Guardian requesting Off Campus independent Study contract for their student for five (5) or more days will need to notify the Attendance Office (Hotline #858-676-6311) a minimum of ten (10) school days prior to departure. The Attendance Office will provide the student with a contract and assignment prior to the student’s departure. The contract is a Google document and must be reviewed and electronically signed by a parent or legal guardian and the student prior to the student leaving. Prior to the student’s departure, the student will have a brief meeting with an attendance staff member who will explain details of the OCIS contract and answer any questions the student might have. Note that the OCIS contract contains three dates:  the beginning date of the contract, the ending date of the contract, and the date in which the work is due ("due date"). The student may submit work to their teachers while they are away electronically or can turn everything in upon their return. PLEASE NOTE: When the student returns from OCIS, he/she must report to the Attendance Office before going to classes with ONE COPY of TWO ASSIGNMENTS for EACH CLASS before reporting to class. 


Sporadic attendance impacts the academic achievement of your student. 

We have initiated a comprehensive attendance monitoring program at Del Norte to curtail chronic absences and to keep you informed of your student's presence in classes. Attendance is taken in each period. To ensure the best educational experience, attendance to class MUST be a priority. If a student has twelve full-day absences this will be considered excessive and a Student Attendance Review Team (SART) Appointment letter will be sent to the district office, unless a medical note is provided. If you have any questions regarding your student’s attendance or any of our attendance procedures or policies, please contact Shirley Rowe, Attendance Supervisor, at [email protected] or 858-487-0877x6322.